We would like to remind you that your hosting packages and or domain names are with dixieinternet.net - and emails, letters, or calls from anyone else should, for the most part, be ignored. As most of you know, domain name registrations and expiration dates are public knowledge, and unless you pay extra to hide that information, anyone with an internet connection can see and have access to it.

There are people (and companies) who look for domain names nearing expiration date, and will then send you an email or other correspondence advising you that your domain is about to expire. They will of course want you to renew it using their link or method to renew your domain name. More times than not, the charge is way more than it should be and they try to get as many years of renewal as they can.

The worst part is, that if you do this, it takes away Dixie Internet's ability to access and manipulate the technical aspects of the domain, such as changing nameservers, host records, redirects, or any aspect of your web site that is directly related to the domain name.

So, unless you know that you want your domain name to be transferred to another registrar, and you want to handle all the technical aspects of the domain name yourself, then please only respond to emails or notices about your services or domain names that come directly from Dixie Internet.

Also, please be aware that you have full access to all your services and domain names by logging into: dixieinternet.net/billing  - Your user name is the email on file with us. If you don't know the current password, there is a 'forgot password' link you can use to reset it. The site is fully secure with SSL and if you leave a card on file, the automation will let you know in advance when your services are up for renewal, and will automacically renew them for you when that time comes.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

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